Scientific Research Improving Risk Assessment for Pollinators

Who is the PRTF?

The Pollinator Research Task Force (PRTF) was organized to coordinate and submit scientific information to the USEPA regarding generic data requirements under FIFRA (the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act) related to assessing the potential risks of pesticides to pollinators.

Who partners with the PRTF?

The PRTF collaborates globally with researchers and data consultants in academia, government, and industry. The PRTF members are actively engaged in international working groups to advance the collective scientific understanding from our priority research areas and seek to publish our projects within the scientific literature.

What is the purpose of the PRTF?

The PRTF aims at advancing the science of a pesticide risk assessment framework for pollinators through data generation, data mining, and method evaluation and validation.